Delusions of the others
There were some weird moments during second hospitalisation. For example I talked with some older man about real power of love. We talked about a theory that love will end this world soon and everybody will be happy. I still kinda think about it today. I like this idea.
Another experience from first weeks was with another man. He told me he thought that I had some superpowers because he had been feeling good since the day I had came to that hospital. I believed him because I was constantly trying to shift the world with my feeling of love.
Withdrawal symptoms
After some weeks I was getting normal. I was transfered to another hospital building, where are treated people with less serious conditions.
Doctors took one of my pills away. It was very addictive pill. Withdrawal symptoms was so bad that I was waking up at 3AM and I was in terrible depression till 7AM when the program of the hospital ward was starting. That four terrible hours I was thinking only about suicide.
Another love
During next weeks I started to talk with one very friendly man. We were listening Nightwish together. We got very close. We talked about deep feelings. One night after all people left smoking room we started to kiss. I was most beautiful kiss in my life. But soon after that was going to be released from the hospital. He cried night before I left the hospital. Let´s call this man Bartholomew. I will talk about him again.
During this hospitalisation I passed oral part of graduation. After I came home I passed written part. I don´t know how I passed, but I am proud of it. I was in such a mess months before graduation. I was able to read again only two weeks before oral exam!
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