pátek 22. března 2019

Second hospitalization - part 2

Today we will look again on my second hospitalization.

Delusions of the others
There were some weird moments during second hospitalisation. For example I talked with some older man about real power of love. We talked about a theory that love will end this world soon and everybody will be happy. I still kinda think about it today. I like this idea.
Another experience from first weeks was with another man. He told me he thought that I had some superpowers because he had been feeling good since the day I had came to that hospital. I believed him because I was constantly trying to shift the world with my feeling of love.

Withdrawal symptoms
After some weeks I was getting normal. I was transfered to another hospital building, where are treated people with less serious conditions. 
Doctors took one of my pills away. It was very addictive pill. Withdrawal symptoms was so bad that I was waking up at 3AM and I was in terrible depression till 7AM when the program of the hospital ward was starting. That four terrible hours I was thinking only about suicide. 

Another love
During next weeks I started to talk with one very friendly man. We were listening Nightwish together. We got very close. We talked about deep feelings. One night after all people left smoking room we started to kiss. I was most beautiful kiss in my life. But soon after that was going to be released from the hospital. He cried night before I left the hospital.  Let´s call this man Bartholomew. I will talk about him again. 

During this hospitalisation I passed oral part of graduation. After I came home I passed written part. I don´t know how I passed, but I am proud of it. I was in such a mess months before graduation. I was able to read again only two weeks before oral exam!

                                          Source: https://www.usm.edu

pátek 15. března 2019

Second hospitalization - part 1

Hello, everyone!

Today I am going to tell you something about my second hospitalization in psychiatric hospital.

New pal
One of my earliest memories from second hospitalization is kind of funny. I didn´t know where I was. I went from my room to the corridor. I sat on the bench. Then one man sat next to me. He looked little bit as one of my closest friends. He asked me "Why are you here?" I replied "I thought that It was end of the world." "Oh, It isn´t?" said he. We talked about strange things. Then we talked about music. We decided to sing. But we weren´t able to remember any song. But it was nice to have some company.

                                          Source: https://www.express.co.uk

Some of my delusions
When somebody told me in which city I am, I didn´t belive. I thought it was a prank and that I am still in my hometown. I thouht it is only another building from the hospital complex.
Another delusion is from my first week in this hospital. I felt little bit depressed because I was losing time. My graduation exam was occuring early and I was trapped here. I decided to travel back in time. So I was walking backwards watching clock. It was moving backwards too! At least I thought. My attempt was ruined by male nurse who banned me from running in the corridor. 

středa 13. března 2019

Struggle to write in English

Ok, it´s kind a tough for me to write this blog. The reason why I write so little is that writting blog in English is much harder than I thought. My listening skills in English are perfect. And I speak fluently. But writing is a big problem for me!

                                          Source: https://www.roguefitness.com

I want to mention that my story was more interesting that story which I wrote on this blog. But my storytelling abilities in English are still kind a limiting. I hope tt will get better.

So please give me a chance. This blog will be written in different style in the future. I have some original concepts on my czech blog and would like to implement it here too.

pondělí 11. března 2019

Second episode

My first love found girlfriend. I was in total mess. Before their realitionship I was kind a friend of her. After they got togehter, I hated them both. They were kissing each other in a scholl hall. It was terrible for me seeing them every day in love.

                                          Source: https://www.freepik.com

I started to concentrate my energy to shift the reality somehow. And so... I shifted my mind instead.
One night I was seeing some symbols and then I left home after 2 AM. I was rambling through the city, then I took taxi and went to police station to tell the police I had two ID cards. It was true. That week I found a long lost ID card.
I is not problem to found lost ID card and have two of them for a while. Problem is to go to the police after 2AM.
Police called my parents who took me to local mental hospital.

Nurse gave me some white pill after which I fell asleep. I woke up in totally different hospital in city located 120 km (almost 75 miles) from my home. When I found out which day it is I realised that I didn´t remember whole day. Weird!

Between second and third episode

New start After high school graduation there was a summer which was too long. In September I started to visit university in one big czech ...