pátek 22. února 2019

After first episode

I was so terribly tired! That pills made me zombie. I was sleeping 14 hours a day. It was huge problem!
Other thing I thought was negative was decrease of symbolic thinking. I thouht like somebody stole my super power.
After some time I decided to quit antipsychotics. And lot of people around me thought It was a good idea. They saw that I am not able to function with this medication.

                                          Source: https://img-s-msn-com.akamaized.net

So I stopped take the pills. After some time things got normal again. I was active again. 
But some things was different than before my psychosis episode. I talked about strange stuff that I experienced during the episode. I believed that it was something very important and that I had right.

My disease eventually came back. But there was a long time (cca 8 months) when I was relatively normal.

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